Resell Value For Yeezy 380 Calcite glow

Month Retail price Price Good to resell?
October 14,2020
November 10,2020
January 05,2021
March 10,2021
Januray 08, 2022
December 11, 2022

As you can see from the resell value stock there are more Yes's then No's. However I personally think these shoes are not good for reselling at all let me tell you why. At frist in october of 2020 the shoes were going for $455 for most sizes. But if you look at November 10, 2020 the shoes went down in price significantly more then $200. Ever since then, the shoes have been going down in price. Sometimes if may go back up but only for a little amount. So becuase I own these I bought them just for me to wear not to try to resell. However this does not mean the shoe will never gain hype again, the reselling business is all about waiting. So if you hold on to these shoes they may go back up in price once again. So to sum it all up I would say "No" these shoes are not good to resell.

Here is a video about if you should resell the Yeezy Calcite Glow.

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